Country: Mozambique
Closing date: 30 Jun 2016
Terms of Reference - Market Systems Change Manager - Zambezia Province
Job Context
The main function of the position is to oversee the development and implementation of market systems interventions for InovAgro in Zambezia province.
Overall Purpose
The Market Systems Manager will have responsibility for overseeing effective design and implementation of InovAgro’s portfolio of interventions in the two provinces, ensuring consistently high standards and adherence to the principles of market systems development (M4P).
The Market Systems Change Manager is the Chief Facilitator of the activities in Zambezia province that will have been developed in collaboration with lead private sector partners for each of the value chains, ensuring at all times that the project continues to play its role as a change catalyst. In this respect, it is expected that the Market Systems Change Manager will take a ‘hands on’ approach to the role, working closely with Intervention Team colleagues and becoming involved in the specifics of intervention design and delivery.
- Conduct regular analysis of the project intervention sectors ensuring that the project understands the market dynamics in each intervention sector, the main market actors and stakeholders in the market system.
- Lead, and provide technical input into, the partnership development process of relevant interventions for the InovAgro project (based on evidence based planning) with relevant project partners.
- Manage effective technical implementation of the project interventions monitoring at all times the changes in the targeted market systems to ensure that the project’s results chains and targets remain relevant.
- Support effective capacity development among relevant stakeholders on the market systems development approach.
- Build a strong and effective Intervention Team, effectively line managing subordinate staff.
- Oversee technical contributions to programme reporting and communications
Working closely with the Team Leader, oversee the development of the project portfolio of interventions in
A high-quality portfolio of project interventions (in line with the project Document) is developed on time, with buy-in from key stakeholders
Opportunities for quick wins are identified
Continue to build on the portfolio of interventions, taking into account the objectives of the programme
A pipeline of new opportunities is developed
New, high quality interventions are designed and delivered that support achievement of programme objectives
Provide technical input (or manage provision of technical input by team members) at each stage of the project development process. The level of involvement will vary from case to case, but it is expected that the Market Systems Change Manager will, at the very least, have technical oversight of all project interventions in development.
Partnership concept notes, sub-sector analyses and visions, implementation plans, budgets produced to a consistently high standard technically.
Provide overall technical quality assurance across the project, taking remedial action where required
Quality and consistency of project implementation
Mentor intervention leads in applying the market systems development approach to effectively implement interventions
Market systems development approach applied consistently and to the highest possible standard
Provide support and guidance to Intervention Team in preparing project work plans and budgets, including ensuring clear and consistent communication with Finance and Operations team.
Delivered on time and to budget, meeting technical requirements
Team Leader approval
Provide technical leadership and support to Intervention Team to develop partnerships within sectors, in collaboration with the Team Leader where appropriate
Market player partnerships established, suitable agreements signed where applicable
Oversee programming and effective delivery of Short Term Technical Assistance (STTA) inputs in supporting project implementation.
STTA pipeline established
Terms of reference developed/agreed in advance, including input into agreeing an appropriate STTA scope or work in line with the needs of the project
STTA inputs effectively coordinated
Provide ad-hoc technical support to the programme team, or contribute to structured capacity building initiatives, for relevant stakeholders (e.g. Implementing Partners, government counterparts, etc.).
Technical aspects of capacity building initiatives are carried out to a high standard, resulting in improved awareness and/or application of concepts by stakeholders
Support Team Leader to conduct performance appraisals of delegated staff and develop and implement career development plans
Career development plans implemented
Results of performance appraisals
High staff engagement, low turnover
Leadership and mentorship of delegated staff
Performance of staff; results of interventions
Overall responsible for technical inputs to key reporting outputs (e.g. Business Plan, Progress Reports, etc.)
Technical sections of reporting outputs completed to a high standard and approved by assessors.
How to apply:
Apply via the link below: -