Country: Senegal
Closing date: 24 Mar 2017
Africa Lead II—the Feed the Future: Building Capacity for African Agricultural Transformation Program—supports the advancement of agricultural transformation in Africa as proposed by the African Union Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP). Simultaneously, Africa Lead II contributes to the Feed the Future (FTF) goals of reduced hunger and poverty by building the capacity of Champions—defined as men and women leaders in agriculture—to develop, lead, and manage the policies, structures and processes needed for the transformation process.
In collaboration with the Government of Senegal (GOS) and other donor partners, The USAID Senegal Mission supports the implementation of the Whole-of- U.S. Government (USG) Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative Multiple Year Strategy (MYS)’ response to food insecurity, poverty, and malnutrition. Approved in February 2011, the five components of the overall USG FTF strategy are: 1) Agriculture driven economic growth—productivity increases through a value chain approach and promotion of sound land management; 2) Enhanced policy implementation; 3) Strengthened rural infrastructure and access to finance; 4) Increased human resource capacity, both at health facilities and every level of the agricultural sector including associated institutions; and 5) Household behaviors that promote optimal nutrition.
The scope of Africa Lead II Senegal program is divided into four objectives, as follows:
- Private agricultural investment facilitated
- Partnerships fostered
- Investment monitoring and after-care facilitated
- Existing coordination platforms to increase private sector engagement and dialogue reinforced
- Serves as a general administration and back-stop for country program director.
- Serves as the main liaison and activity manager for the following key partners: the Celulle de Lutte contre la Malnutrition (Prime Minister Office); Directorate for the Private sector Support (DASP) Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Equipment (MAER); Office des Forages Ruraux (OFOR)
- Helps develop scopes of work and budgets for short term technical assistance and capacity development services
- Participates in meetings and conference calls with partners and stakeholders.
- Assists with the development and dissemination of request for proposals for service providers to provide capacity development services.
- Coordinates with the technical and logistics teams regarding the execution, implementation and monitoring of activities and capacity development services
Reviews reports and deliverables received from service providers and partners, including training organizations, trainers and consultants.
Contribute to writing and preparation of quarterly and annual reports.
Provides regular weekly updates and reports on status and progress of technical activities to directors and partners.
Ensures that required paperwork developed and completed is in compliance with USAID and DAI home office rules and regulations.
Provides ongoing regional technical assistance
Perform other tasks as needed.
Minimum required qualifications and skills:**
- Bachelor’s degree required, advance degree preferred (with 3-5 years relevant administrative or technical professional experience)
- Demonstrated coordination and facilitation experience
- Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Ability to multi-task and manage competing priorities under tight deadlines
- Ability to engage professionally with senior level officials
- MS Office (e.g., Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access)
- Attention to detail and ability to monitor own work
- Fluency in both French and English required
How to apply: