Country: Pakistan
Closing date: 15 Apr 2016
The Pakistan Enhanced Democratic Accountability and Civil Engagement Programme (EDACE) is funded by Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) through UK government's Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) and implemented by Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI)/Europe. This project began in November 2013 and will continue through 2016.
Target beneficiaries include the most marginalized groups of the society; women, minorities and youth. The project is working in 13 districts of Pakistan; three in Southern Punjab and ten in Sindh including Karachi. In addition to the project districts, EDACE is also working at federal and provincial levels with supply side institutions.
EDACE aims at rebuilding the trust of citizens on state institutions, responsible for Rule of Law service delivery. Rule of Law as the theme of the project is not restricted to criminal justice system only. It also includes institutions responsible for administrative justice like federal and provincial ombudspersons. It also works with federal parliament and provincial assemblies on Rule of Law issues.
EDACE with its unique approach combines both the demand and supply sides. However, EDACE works primarily on demand side to make the citizens aware of their legal rights, providing them knowledge about, how to access these rights and supporting them through legal aid and paralegal services.
On supply side, EDACE is working with the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan ( LJCP) on wider range of Rule of Law reform, Federal Parliament through first ever multiparty, bicameral Rule of Law Caucus and with provincial level state institutions in the Punjab and Sindh on a range of policy initiatives to make the system more responsive and citizen friendly.
EDACE’s current program has three broad streams;
Providing awareness to poor and marginalized citizens on their constitutional and legal rights uniformly across all project districts. A model of “Action Months” has been developed, in which each action month will be dedicated to one theme and uniform message will be disseminated across South Punjab and Interior Sindh.
EDACE is providing support to the poor and marginalized in accessing state institutions through community paralegal, legal aid and protection services.
EDACE is also working on legislative and policy advocacy at the highest level; it also supports inter-institutional linkage development and dialogue. It was for the first time in the recent history of Pakistan that through EDACE’s support two organs of the state; Parliament and Superior Judiciary came on one platform and generated a narrative for transforming rule of law, from an exclusionary system to a citizen friendly inclusionary system.
EDACE commenced in November 2013 and has received an extension to the end of September 2016**. DAI now seeks to recruit a Rule of Law Advisor for the extension phase (with the possibility of continuation).** S/he will be based in the Islamabad office with frequent travel to Punjab and Sindh programme districts.
The post-holder will report directly to the Team Leader.
The position is ideally full-time but part-time arrangements can be considered.
Performance Requirements
The Rule of Law Adviser will be expected to perform the following tasks (performance requirements):
- Provide high quality advisory support on all rule of law matters to the programme team, grantees and others as appropriate
- Assist the Team Leader on technical issues arising with grantees, the Government of Pakistan or the FCO
- Liaise closely with the monitoring and evaluation lead, head of programmes and Team Leader to support the development and implementation of the programme
- Develop and implement long-term goals and objectives to achieve the successful outcome of the program
- Provide timely and appropriate knowledge of global best practice in the rule of law sector to help apply ‘best fit’ approaches to EDACE programming
- Monitor human rights-related risks and provide appropriate, timely advice to the Team Leader
- Manage, oversee and provide quality assurance of relevant research projects
- Manage, oversee and provide quality assurance of short-term technical assistance
- Pay regular visits to programme locations to observe and advise on technical delivery
- Develop networks and partnerships as appropriate in consultation with the Project Team Leader.
- Provide training and mentoring of personnel in the programme team and grantees as necessary
- Maintain own knowledge and take responsibility for own professional development
Qualifications and experience
- Advanced university degree or professional qualification in law or human rights.
- Ten years’ experience in the rule of law sector, either as a practising lawyer, in a relevant development programme or a combination of both.
- Experience in working with international development donor organisations (preferred)
- Experience of working with civil society organisations
- Experience of working with government bodies
- Demonstrated commitment to gender equality and gender sensitivity
- Demonstrated understanding and ability to apply principles of conflict sensitivity
- Demonstrated experience of working with or for poor or otherwise marginalised social groups
- Fluency in Urdu (essential), Pashto (desirable) and Sindhi (desirable)
- Fluency in written and spoken English
Additional values and competencies
- A pro-poor approach, committed to involving poor and otherwise marginalized people in decision-making
- Adherence to international human rights principles
- Gender-sensitivity and commitment to gender equality
- Conflict sensitivity
- Results-focused
- Commitment to team work and to building the capacity of others
- Respect for diversity
Application deadline: 15th April 2016
Project location: Islamabad office with frequent travel to Punjab and Sindh programme districts.
How to apply: