Country: Morocco
Closing date: 10 Nov 2018
TASHAROC is a two-year project based in Tangier and is funded by the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office to support the Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma (TTAH) Regional Council in the regionalisation process. As part of the programme to support the Regional Council, TASHAROC will provide capacity building and technical assistance across a range of areas in support of the Regional Council’s mandate.
Regional Council (RC)
The RC is an elected local body governed by public law and is, according to Organic Law 111-14, in charge of various development areas in the region. The RC of the TTAH region is one of the 12 regional councils of Morocco that constitute the first administrative division in the framework of advanced regionalisation.
The Regional Agency for the Execution of Projects (AREP) is a new agency set up in 2017, whose mandate is to take over the role of central agencies in funding regional development projects. It is designed as the executive arm of the regional councils to deliver the PDR projects.
Plan de Développement Régional (PDR)
The RC must develop and implement a six-year PDR which includes a diagnostic of regional development priorities and must conform to national policies and strategies. The PDR was finalised and approved by the RC on 25 April 2017, and it lists 45 individual projects. These 45 projects are graphically presented in the PDR as falling into the following technical areas: Increasing the Attractiveness of the Region, Economic Competitiveness, Social Development and Valorisation of Tangible & Intangible Assets.
The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manuals for the Regional Council and AREP
Although some procedures and processes within the RC and AREP are regulated by existing legislation (e.g. Moroccan Public Procurement Law), currently no standard operating manuals exists. Developing one is crucial to ensuring consistency and quality assurance of operations within the two institutions, service continuity, and a better understanding of responsibilities and processes among employees.
TASHAROC intends to support the development of two SOP Manuals in collaboration with the RC and AREP. This support follows on from and will run in close coordination with existing assignments that are assessing the two institutions’ organisational structures, roles and job descriptions, and training needs.
In developing the SOP Manuals, close consideration will need to be given to the following:
- Differentiation between operating procedures that must remain unique to either the RC or AREP, and those that can be streamlined.
- The quality and usefulness of existing operating procedures in each institution - whether some require reform, some to be removed, or whether they should form part of the SOP Manuals.
- The need to ensure standardisation across a range of divisions and departments responsible for different areas under the institutions’ mandates.
- Existing and ongoing work to review the two institutions’ organisational structures and staff job descriptions.
- Maximising efficiency and effectiveness, and not placing disproportionate burden on the institutions and their employees.
Scope of work
As part of its technical assistance to the RC, TASHAROC seeks to hire an expert to develop two SOP Manuals for the RC and AREP.
Working closely with AREP and the RC, the expert will be expected to:
- Develop a mapping analysis of the existing processes as a result of:
o Reviewing existing documents provided by the RC and AREP defining core processes.
o Conducting interviews with the presidents and heads of departments and divisions to understand their use of existing processes and operations. - Review the recommendations put forward by the organisational structure and job description assignments conducted by TASHAROC (these will be available in mid-November).
- Liaise closely with senior management within both the RC and AREP, and especially with the Director of Presidential Affairs and the Director of AREP, to ensure that:
o Institutional concerns and needs are incorporated into the Manuals’ drafting process.
o The Manuals are aligned with the institutions’ overall strategic vision and HR strategy. - Develop draft SOP Manuals for the RC and AREP, including internal procedures and procedures between the two structures, for discussion with RC and AREP’s top management.
- Develop a set of recommendations for roll out and implementation of the Manuals, for discussion with institutional representatives.
The expert should provide the following deliverables:
A mapping of all the existing processes, the workflows and the operations within the RC and AREP, and between the two structures - by 30-11-2018
A presentation to discuss the existing processes and recommendations for the new Manuals - by 07-12-2018
Draft SOP Manuals for the RC and AREP - by 21-12-2018
A presentation of the proposed procedures to elicit feedback for finalisation of the manuals - by 25-12-2018
Final SOP Manuals for the RC and AREP - by 08-01-2019
Set of recommendations on how to roll out the Manuals, including suggested training methodology and plan for raising awareness among staff (for incorporation into the RC’s main training plan) - by 15-01-2019
Final SOP Manuals submitted in paper form in two copies and in two CDs - by 20-01-2019
All documents should be submitted in draft format for review by the TASHAROC programme team before further development of the deliverables. All the deliverables should be in French.
The assignment will begin with a kick-off meeting with the opportunity to clarify any points. Subsequently, the expert and the TASHAROC programme team will schedule at least bi-weekly check-in calls to discuss progress.
Final SOP Manuals must be submitted in paper form in two copies and in two CDs by 20-01-2019 in line with the RC requirements to the TASHAROC programme team. A presentation of the materials to AREP will also be scheduled for discussion, before finalisation of the documents.
Level of effort and reporting
The expert will report to the RC lead within the TASHAROC programme team.
Up to 30 days are available for this assignment. Additional days will not be available for any revisions or edits to deliverables required beyond reasonably expected and agreed time limits following programme team feedback on full submitted drafts, to ensure quality products.
How to apply:
Please follow this link to apply: