Country: Ethiopia
Closing date: 29 Dec 2018
Leather Investment Advisor
Supporting of Leather specific investment promotion through Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC)
DAI Europe, together with consortium partners First Consult; Enclude; and ITAD, is managing the UK aid-funded program, Enterprise Partners (EP), which aim to support and transform the private sector and Ethiopia’s continued economic growth over seven years.
EP is utilising the Making Markets Work for the Poor approach (M4P) and has two main pillars to achieve the goal of integrating the poor, and especially women, in sustainable economic enterprises that create jobs and improve incomes. The planned impact is to create 45,000 jobs (75% of which will be held by women) and increase the incomes of 65,000 households by at least 20%.
EP’s pillars are:
· The Finance Group aims to achieve the outcome of increasing investment levels in the Ethiopian economy, particularly for growth-oriented small and medium enterprise. This will include funding of green technologies where appropriate and develop funding for green growth investment. It also includes technical assistance facility to participating financial institutions for two WB-led initiatives, aiming to improve access to finance to SMEs with particular focus on SMEs engaged in manufacturing/agro processing/tour/construction sector and SMEs whole or partly owned by women [1] .
· The Agro-Industrial Group is expected to achieve the outcome of increasing returns on investment (productivity) and investment levels in the identified sectors of cotton/textiles, livestock/leather and horticulture, in order to achieve the impact of creating jobs and raising household incomes. Additionally this pillar will incorporate the promotion of climate change awareness and addressing women’s economic empowerment.
Background specific to this assignment
Despite the promising growth in the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the targets in Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II), the leather sector has performed far from expectation, especially in recent years. The low investment attraction is contrary to the favourable investment policies and conditions; the focus and investment on Industrial Parks; abundant resource base and attractive international trade agreements.
The assignment is to facilitate the implementation of a targeted investment promotion intervention in the leather sector by partnering with the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC). The ultimate goal is to attract quality FDIs into the country and ensure that the sector contributes to the country’s export earnings and employment creation. In the long run it will also contribute to enhancing the overall supply chain. Additional investment in components, production technology and chemical supply will contribute to the performance of existing manufacturers, especially local producers.
The Technical Assistant/ Consultant is expected to
· Ensure the development of a targeted leather sector investment promotion mechanism at the Ethiopian Investment Commission
· Ensure successful participation and investment promotion B2B session on the potentials of Ethiopian leather sector at selected international events(e.g. Asia Pacific Leather Fair)
Targeted Investment Promotion
The development of a database for potential investors focusing on the Identification and prioritization of key brands/manufacturers and countries for promoting the investment opportunities in Ethiopia on the leather sector
Establishing initial contact and engagement strategy with the prioritised brands/ manufacturers and ensure the right opportunity to pitch the investment case in the sector
Design a co-ordination mechanism for EIC’s leather focused investment promotion work through the development of a process flow guideline to standardize the investment promotion, tracking and facilitation process
Capacity building of EIC’s leather investment promotion team to ensure quality investment promotion in a sustainable manner
Actively engage in the evaluation of the interventions performance and documentation of lessons learnt
Support participation on international events/trade fairs
Identification, prioritization and documentation of key events (trade fairs, international sector specific professional workshops and other B2B opportunities) in selected markets (China, India, USA, Europe, Regional markets of Africa and Middle East etc…)
Lead the preparation for the participation of international leather specific trade fairs (e.g. APLF) including the coaching of key stakeholders, development of pitching materials, providing guidance on the overall fair process, booking of booth etc…
Lead the Ethiopian booth during the fair and ensure standard layout and communication protocols
Arrange side event(s) for promoting the opportunities for investment in the Ethiopian leather sector as part of the participation in the leather fairs (e.g. APLF)
Description of each deliverable and Time-frame [2]**
1 Development of a list of potential investors (contact details, key suppliers, current manufacturing locations and related brands etc…) to be approached by the Ethiopian Investment Commission Jan, 2019
2 Development of a guideline on potential trade fairs and other events to be considered for investment by the Ethiopian Investment Commission for promoting the investment case in the sector Jan, 2019
3 Development of a process flow guideline to standardize the investment promotion, tracking and facilitation process in the sector Jan, 2019
4 Facilitate the participation on trade fairs (e.g. APLF) (booth rental, coaching and guidance of participants prior to travel supervision of onsite preparatory activities etc…) Jan – Feb,2019
5 Lead the participation of the Ethiopian team in trade fairs (e.g. APLF) including, booth layout and communication protocols, B2B side event for investment pitching etc… Mar, 2019
6 Develop a detailed debriefing report on the process and outcome of trade fair participation Mar, 2019
The potential technical assistant/ consultant is expected to fulfil the following criteria
Experience in leading investment promotion interventions in the leather sector at an international level, preferably in the context of developing countries
Extensive experience in working with leading brands and manufacturers in the leather sector across major production centers in Europe, Asia and USA (at least for 15 years)
Experience in organizing international leather focused trade fairs on behalf of brands, manufacturers, sourcing agencies and countries (a mix of the listed items will be considered as a plus)
Previous experience in developing countries; specifically in Africa and Ethiopia. Detailed understanding of the Ethiopian investment climate, leather sector performance and historical and current trends is a plus.
An evidence of successful service in B2B linkage and partnership formation in the leather sector at an international level. Evidence of liaison, brokerage and investment facilitation service for known international brands and manufacturers will be considered as an extra.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and ability to perform in diverse and multicultural environment
· EP’s will sign a milestone based contractual relationship with the selected consultant.
· The focal person with EP for this assignment is Abreham Gizaw, whom the technical assistant/ consultant will be reporting to. The technical assistant shall work with the leather sector team and the team leader along with the focal person.
Enterprise Partners will review the submitted CVs in accordance with the specific qualification and experience requirements and specific tasks listed stated above. Applicants should clearly indicate their experience and previous engagements in line with the specific requirements listed.
Based on the number of man-days indicated above, the consultant is expected to propose a daily rate. Note that EP will be covering accommodation and travel related expenses over and above the consultancy fee.
Applicants are expected to submit detailed CV with at least three references by clearly marking in the subject line ‘Leather Investment Advisor’; preferably who are testament of the consultants’ performance in the area of investment promotion and facilitation. Applications should be submitted through as per the deadline indicated in the advertisement of the post.
Last date for submission of applications is 29th December 2018.
[1] The projects are (1) Women Entrepreneurs Development Project (WEDP, 2013 – 2018) and (2) Small and Medium Enterprise Finance Project (SMEFP, 2016 – 2022 ).
[2] The assignment is expected to take place between Jan–Mar 2019; however, the effective dates of the assignment are expected to be around 30 working days.
How to apply:
To apply follow the link below: