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Short Term Monitoring and Evaluation Assignment, Enterpise Partners (EP), Ethiopia

Organization: Development Alternatives, Inc.
Closing date: 14 Jun 2016

Objective of the Programme

DAI Europe, together with consortium partners First Consult; Enclude; and ITAD, is managing the UKaid-funded Enterprise Partners (EP) and Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (WEDP) which aim to support and transform the private sector and Ethiopia’s continued economic growth over the next 6 years with a total project budget of almost £70 million.

EP is utilising the Making Markets Work for the Poor approach (M4P) and has two main pillars to achieve the goal of integrating the poor, and especially women, in sustainable economic enterprises that create jobs and improve incomes. The planned impact is to create 45,000 jobs (75% of which will be held by women) and increase the incomes of 65,000 households by at least 20%.

See www.enterprisepartners.org for more information.

The EP pillars are:

  • The Finance Group is expected to achieve the outcome of increasing investment levels in the Ethiopian economy, particularly for growth-oriented small and medium enterprise. This will include funding of green technologies where appropriate and develop funding for green growth investment.
  • The Agro-Industrial Group is expected to achieve the outcome of increasing returns on investment (productivity) and investment levels in the identified sectors of cotton/textiles, livestock/leather and horticulture, in order to achieve the impact of creating jobs and raising household incomes. Additionally this pillar will incorporate the promotion of climate change awareness and addressing women’s economic empowerment.

DFID is also funding the technical assistance component of a separate World Bank programme as the third main pillar, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Programme (WEDP). The objective of the WEDP is to increase the earnings and employment of micro and small enterprises (MSEs), owned or partly owned by female entrepreneurs in targeted cities.

Scope of Work

At the outcome/impact level, the EP logframe requires us to measure investment and jobs. Both are conceptually complex, and pose technical challenges in measurement and projection.

As we come up to an Annual Review in September, it has become essential in the short term for EP to fully measure the investment and jobs that we have created. Looking forwards the next few years, we need a solid methodology for estimating the investment and jobs that we expect to create in the future, and a framework that allows us to measure them.

In particular, although we are (generally) able to capture jobs and investment created as a direct result of our intervention, we struggle to assess the jobs and investment created in the wider economy, or at one step removed from our immediate partners.


The purpose of the assignment is to assess the number of jobs/investment that EP will have created by September 2016, and to design a framework which will help us to project likely investment and measure it in future.


  1. Design a framework that will enable us to project and measure jobs and investment. Specific tasks are to:
    1. Review relevant literature on measuring jobs/investment.
    2. Review existing EP intervention data on jobs/investment, methodologies currently used for measurement, and intervention-level theories of change.
    3. Design draft framework specifying:
    4. What types of jobs/investment we will measure.
    5. How we can attribute changes in jobs/investment.
    6. What data we need to measure these jobs/investment.
    7. How we will collect data, or justify assumptions if necessary.
    8. Where we need future external support, for example to generate multipliers.
    9. The rationale for the design of this framework, including any alternative frameworks considered and rejected.
  2. Apply this framework to assess impact for this EP year (before 30th Sept 2016) for four EP interventions which are already generating investment and jobs. (Indicatively on cotton seed multiplication, manufacturing labour markets, tomato seedlings, and WEDP).
  3. Apply this framework to project investment and jobs for four EP interventions which have the potential to generate large amounts of investment and jobs (indicatively Hawassa Industrial Park, World Bank Credit Line, leather tannery finishing)
  4. Throughout, build capacity of the designated EP contact so that EP has the capacity to conduct this exercise in future years.

The consultant is not required to collect primary data. They will be expected to use the data that EP has collected. If more data is required, the consultant should work with the EP team to specify the data needed, and then collection will be the responsibility of the MRM and intervention teams.

Throughout, the consultant is expected to work in collaboration with the EP team. The framework will be designed and revised based on initial ideas and comments from the EP team, to ensure that it reflects a common understanding of jobs and investment. Some of our initial thoughts are included in the annex.

Deliverables 2 and 3 are expected to be based on a two week country visit, indicatively scheduled for August.



Description of each deliverable



Framework for projecting and monitoring jobs and investment

June-July 2016


Estimate for jobs/investment created by four priority interventions this year.

July-August 2016


Completed estimate for jobs/investment likely to be created in future by four priority interventions

August 2016


Guidance note on how to estimate and measure jobs/investment for future years.

September 2016.


The assignment will start on 26th June 2016. The following inputs are required:

Deliverables or Milestones (MS)

Total days per deliverable


Draft framework for projecting and monitoring jobs and investment



Final framework for projecting and monitoring jobs and investment



Estimate for jobs/investment created by four priority interventions this year.


½ Home and ½ AA

Completed estimate for jobs/investment likely to be created in future by four priority interventions


½ Home and ½ AA

Guidance note on how to estimate and measure jobs/investment for future years.



Total Days Per Consultant


An exact work plan will be developed once the contract begins. The consultant is expected to spend two weeks in Addis, to finalise the framework and meet with the teams for the estimation of jobs/investment created.


  • Advanced degree in economics.
  • Strong quantitative research skills.
  • Over 10 years experience in results measurement, with a particular focus on jobs and investment.
  • Experience in Ethiopia an advantage.

Project Location:

Home based with travel

Application Deadline:

14th June 2016

How to apply:


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